Decabol 300 is a strong anabolic and moderate androgenic steroid

Decabol 300 is a strong anabolic and moderate androgenic steroid, available in our store for free order in the Republic of Belarus. Its active ingredient is the steroid nandrolone decanoate. It is widespread and in high demand in sports practice, incl. In bodybuilding, an anabolic that is popular among both beginners and pros.

At Belsteroid, we work honestly for domestic athletes, offering only original drugs. You can verify the authenticity of this steroid on the official website of the manufacturer ( by entering the product verification code (located on the barrel of injection), as shown in the example:

Dekabol 300: description and reviews

The active substance of this drug is a steroid with high anabolic and low androgenic activity. For reference, let’s say that its anabolic activity is 150% of endogenous testosterone, androgenic – 30% of testosterone. By the way, the structure of nandrolone is most similar to testosterone (the main difference between them is the absence of a carbon atom in the 19th position in the first and its presence in the second).

If we describe specifically Decabol 300, then first it is necessary to highlight that the drug is capable of exhibiting various effects that are significant for an athlete. In particular, when using it, such improvements can be observed, such as: 

  • Increase in strength indicators;
  • A set of muscle mass;
  • Improving oxygen transport;
  • Elimination of joint pain;
  • Strengthening the skeletal system;
  • Strengthening the immune defense.

It should also be said that Decabol 300 is a long-lasting drug, its effect lasts up to 15 days after application. This, by the way, explains the required frequency of injections per week during the course (usually the weekly dosage is divided into two injections per week; for example, if the dosage is 300 mg, then 150 mg on Monday and 150 mg on Friday).

Of course, it is impossible not to mention which anabolic Decabol 300 can have side effects. To begin with, we note that there is a risk of androgenic side effects (especially important for women, since it can lead to symptoms of virilization, for example, to coarsening of the voice or increased oily skin). In addition, due to the progestogenic activity, AAS can cause side effects such as a decrease in the production of its own testosterone and even gynecomastia.

Storage conditions: after purchasing in our store, storage should be carried out in a place protected from temperature changes, light and moisture; remember to keep the steroid away from children and pets for safety. All information on the site:

Decabol 300: how to take?

This drug is used mainly for the purpose of gaining muscle mass. It is popular among both beginners and experienced athletes. It can be called relevant for many sports, since the action is diverse and the effects are significant not only in bodybuilding, but also, for example, in weightlifting or even athletics.

For men in sports, the usual dosage of Decabol 300 is in the region of 200-400 mg per full week. In this case, somewhat larger doses are also possible, if there is a need. Before taking, if you are not familiar with the properties of the drug, you should consult with a knowledgeable specialist. This, in particular, can be done at the Forum of our resource.

If you are not sure how to take Decabol 300, in combination with other AAS preparations or in solo, then we will give the necessary recommendations. In solo, athletes hardly use it. Most often, a combination course is carried out in combination with other drugs. With which ones? Much here depends on the experience of the athlete, on the goal pursued by him, as well as on the finances at his disposal.

A course of injections of Decabol 300 and taking methandienone , for example, can be chosen by athletes striving for significant muscle growth and mass gain. This is a good bundle that will give a pronounced effect and at the same time the risk of side effects, if you do not abuse drugs, will be low.

There are other effective and popular combinations, for example, with stanozolol or testosterone preparations. The choice here is large and much depends on the preferences of the athlete. Dosages for combined courses, like the courses themselves, should not be chosen on the basis of someone else’s experience, as with solo use, it is necessary to choose individually.