Sexual potency after 40

Men who have reached the age of 40 often have changes in their hormonal background. This is associated with a decrease in testosterone synthesis. Not so long ago, the name for this change was “male menopause”. Nowadays, the phenomenon is called “hypogonadism”. It refers to an age-related change in hormone levels in the body. Testosterone production slows with age, and even older people have small amounts of the hormone in their blood.

According to statistics, after the age of 40 about 17% of men face a decline in potency, which is a consequence of changes in hormonal background. In some cases, erection problems may occur a little earlier. Such risk groups include men who:

  • Had puberty disorders in adolescence;
  • Have had diseases of the genitals;
  • Have had surgery or trauma to the genitals at any age;
  • Have been exposed to sexually transmitted diseases, if the lesion was also on the testicles;
  • Have a chronic illness of any severity, which may include diabetes, and hypertension, or bad habits.

Men’s health after 40 years of age is influenced by many factors. Therefore, you should watch your health from a young age, eat right and do sports. A healthy lifestyle is the first step to no impotence in old age. If you have problems with potency, you can buy special medications here

Is it worth seeing a doctor?

Many sexually transmitted infections or urological problems can bring a lot of trouble over time. But most often such diseases are asymptomatic and you should go to the doctor for a preventive check-up to detect them. And if a man has unpleasant symptoms, then delaying a visit to a urologist is definitely not worth it. The main problems that go to the doctor with are:

  • Rash on the skin, discharge from the urethra;
  • Painful urination;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge or unpleasant smell;
  • Discomfort during sex;
  • Change in the color of urine;
  • Increased lymph nodes;
  • Lower abdominal or genital pain.

Each of these causes can lead to erectile dysfunction, so you should not let health problems go to waste.

The effect of sex on cardiovascular disease

Having a regular intimate life can have a positive effect on your health. Men who have sex at least once a week are able to save themselves from strokes, atherosclerosis and other problems. There have been a number of studies regarding the lethality of intimacy when it comes to the occurrence of a heart attack. It became known that the risk is not too high. About 1% of men have died this way. It is also worth noting that sexual activity more than 4 times a week keeps you looking fresh much longer. This means that men who have sex regularly never look their age – intimacy makes them look much younger.

If you want access to modern medications to improve your potency, you should visit Here you can get the most effective medications in this area. You have to start using some modern medication to improve your potency.